You searched for hiv

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...the mother has HIV In Sweden, the most common way HIV is transmitted is through unprotected anal and vaginal sex. HIV may be passed on through oral sex from penis...

If you test positive for HIV

If you test positive for HIV it means you are carrying the HIV virus. Each person reacts differently to this news. Some are shocked, while others aren’t that surprised. Most...

Support for people living with hiv

Many people living with HIV find they need to talk to someone about their situation. You may feel this way when you first find out, or after you have had...

HIV and sexually transmitted infections

...usually, but not always, curable, and sometimes they heal completely on their own. Some, such as the viral infections herpes and HIV cannot be cured, but nowadays there is effective...


...sexually transmitted infections, hiv and hepatitis C. If you have had unsafe sex where there has been a risk of hiv transmission, contact an STI clinic (Venhälsan, for example) or...


...treatment for HIV and most sexually transmitted infections. You have the right to remain anonymous during HIV testing. If, however, you later turn out to be HIV positive, you can...

The cock

...pre-cum, while others can produce quite a lot. The pre-cum can contain sperm, the HIV virus, and other sexually transmitted infections. Safer sex with a cock HIV and other STIs...

Kinky play

...the great thing is, neither saliva nor snot carry any risk of transmitting HIV or other STIs! Piss Have you ever tried pissing yourself intentionally as an adult, maybe in...

How to get tested

...that come under the Swedish Communicable Diseases Act. This applies to chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis. Sexually transmitted infections Sexually transmitted infections, or STIs, are transmitted through mucous membranes...


...act of bondage itself carries no risk of HIV transmission or other STIs. However, it’s important to be aware of other relevant safety issues during bondage play. Safer sex play...